Friday, March 14, 2025

Joseph Prince (March-14-2025) Daily Devotion: Redeemed from Every Type of Sickness

Galatians 3:13 - Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”),

The One who cleansed lepers, opened blind eyes and made the lame to walk took your sins, sicknesses and every curse when He hung on Calvary’s tree. The curses that were meant for you because of your sins fell on Him instead. He was cursed in your place to redeem you from every curse that comes as a result of breaking God’s laws.

What are these curses? They are listed in Deuteronomy 28. It is a long and detailed list. Don’t get frightened when you read the curses, but rejoice because Christ has redeemed you from every single one of them, including those curses of sicknesses!

Are you stricken with tuberculosis, fever or inflammation (see Deuteronomy 28:22)? Christ has redeemed you from every one of these conditions!

Do you have painful boils, tumors or an itch which doctors say cannot be healed (see Deuteronomy 28:27)? Christ has redeemed you from every one of these conditions!

Perhaps yours is a serious and prolonged sickness (see Deuteronomy 28:59). It doesn’t matter. Christ has redeemed you from every prolonged sickness!

“Well, Pastor Prince, you have covered tuberculosis, fever, itch…but what about my disease? It is not covered in Deuteronomy 28. Did Jesus forget my disease?”

No, His work is perfect! Look at Deuteronomy 28:61: “Also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in this Book of the Law, will the Lord bring upon you until you are destroyed.” That covers everything. So if Christ has redeemed you from this curse, then He has redeemed you from every type of sickness! I don’t care what new type of sickness the world discovers because Christ has redeemed us from every type of sickness!

Now, if you have a particular sickness, say, “This (name the sickness) is part of the curse of the law. But Galatians 3:13 says that Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law. Therefore, I have been redeemed from (name the sickness)!” Believe and confess that every day, and as surely as Jesus took every curse of sickness, your healing will break forth!

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Joseph Prince (March-13-2025) Daily Devotion: You Have It, So Say It!

Matthew 25:29 - ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.

Have you come across people who have little, yet even that little is taken away from them? On the other hand, there are those who already have much, yet they receive even more.

Jesus said, “To everyone who has, more will be given. From him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.” Notice that Jesus doesn’t go on to say what it is we have. He simply says, “But to everyone who has.”

Jesus is talking about a firm belief in God’s Word that gives one the courage to say, “I have it!” If you say that you have it, you have it, and more will be given to you. But if you say that you don’t have it, when you actually do because God has freely given us all things (see Romans 8:32), then even what you have will be taken away—not by God but by the devil! The devil does not want you to walk in God’s blessings. So when you say that you don’t have it, he can rob you of your blessings because he has your agreement!

When you need something, God says that you are to ask of Him. And when you ask, believe that you receive it (see Mark 11:24). Say you already have it even if you don’t see it in the physical realm yet, and one day, you will see it!

God is not saying, “Oh come on, pretend that you see it. And if you pretend long enough, you will have it.” This is not a game! God is telling us to call forth those things which don’t exist as though they do (see Romans 4:17).

Today, we are talking about the haves and have-nots in the church. If you believe that it is yours, you will have it. You will see yourself possessing it and enjoying it, and more will be given to you. But if you say, “Well, I don’t feel it and I’m not sure if it will come,” in essence, you are saying that you don’t have it when you actually do. Then, even what you have will be taken away. So say you have it today!

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Joseph Prince (March-12-2025) Daily Devotion: How Do You See God?

Luke 7:9 - When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, “I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!”

The way you see Jesus, the revelation that you have of Him, will not affect God’s acceptance of you. But it will affect your acceptance of what God has for you. It will affect how you receive from Him.

Consider the Roman centurion who told Jesus, “You don’t have to come to my house. Just speak the word and my servant at home will be healed” (see Luke 7:6–7). Compare him with Jairus, the ruler of a synagogue, who told Jesus, “My daughter is dying. Please come to my house and lay Your hands on her, and she shall live” (see Mark 5:22–23).

Do you know that Jesus does not have to go to your house to heal you? So why did Jesus follow Jairus to his house? Jesus had to come down to Jairus’ level of faith. Jairus believed that his daughter could be healed, but only if Jesus came and laid His hands on her.

The centurion was different. He said, “Lord, You don’t have to come to my house. I know who You are.” This centurion believed that Jesus did not have to come to his house for his servant to be healed. He believed that Jesus only needed to speak the word. He said to Jesus, “Just speak the word and my servant at home will be healed.”

Do you know who Jesus is? The centurion had a greater understanding of who Jesus is than Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue, and he wasn’t even a Jew!

Jesus asked his disciples, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” (Mark 4:40). He even remarked, “O you of little faith” (Matthew 6:30). But to the woman whose daughter was demon-possessed, He said, “O woman, great is your faith!” (Matthew 15:28). And to the centurion, He declared, “I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!”

My desire is for you to have an accurate understanding of who Jesus is because when your revelation of Jesus is big, you will know what has been freely given to you. And when you know what is yours in Christ Jesus, you will be rich in all things!

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Joseph Prince (March-11-2025) Daily Devotion: You Have the Victory!

Romans 8:37 - Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

If God’s Word says that we are more than conquerors through Christ, then we are. We are not going to become, we already are. We may be experiencing some failures or setbacks in life right now, but only good will come out of our situations because God says that “in all these things we are more than conquerors.” We have the victory!

You see, God has placed us in Christ, whom He has exalted to the highest place in the universe. We are not trying to get to victory ground. We are already on victory ground. We don’t confess God’s Word to get victory. We confess His Word because we already have the victory. We don’t fight for victory. We fight from victory.

The devil will try to steal our victory. He will come against us with lies and fears, and cause us to be conscious of our failures, weaknesses and symptoms in areas such as our health. But we are not trying to be healed. We are already healed because God’s Word declares that “by His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).

A sister in our church was seeing two psychiatrists. She had been under psychiatric care and medication for panic attacks for the most part of her life. She said that when she started coming to church and learning about Jesus, the truth of God’s Word began to dawn on her.

She started believing that victory over her condition was already hers and began confessing it. From then on, all her fears were removed and her panic attacks ceased. Today, she has a sound mind, is free from all medication and knows that her life is greatly blessed through Jesus who loves her.

My friend, the moment you accept Jesus as your Savior, you are born again and the new person inside you is more than a conqueror. You are already on victory ground and you have victory over every challenging situation in your life!

Jesus Dropped the Charges, by the O'Neal Twins (Say Amen, Somebody!)

 You have got to hear this amazing Gospel song!

Jesus Dropped the Charges, by the O'Neal Twins
I was guilty (guilty)
Of all the charges (charges)
Doomed and disgraced
But Jesus (Jesus)
With His special love (special love)
Saved me by His grace
He pleaded (pleaded)
And He pleaded (pleaded)
He pleaded my case
I'm so glad that
Jesus dropped the charges
Jesus dropped the charges (now I'm saved)
Now I'm saved through grace and faith
I was guilty (guilty)
For so long (so long)
Lived in sin too long
But Jesus (Jesus)
With his special love (special love)
Reached out with His arms so strong
He picked me up (picked me up)
Turned me around (turned me around)
Gave me a brand-new song
Jesus dropped the charges (Jesus)
Jesus dropped the charges (now to Him I belong)
Now to Him I belong (look here)
You may remember (remember)
And remember (remember)
Some of the things I've done
But Jesus (Jesus)
With His special love (special love)
Forgave me from everyone
He put me (put me)
On the right road (right road)
Lifted my heavy load, yeah, yeah
Jesus dropped the charges
Jesus dropped the charges (now I'm free)
Now I'm free down in my soul, I am
He dropped the charges, Jesus dropped the charges
Although I was wrong, ooh
He dropped the charges, Jesus dropped the charges
Showed me right from wrong, yeah
He dropped the charges, Jesus dropped the charges
Cast them all away
At Calvary
At Calvary, I heard Him say (at Calvary)
At Calvary, I heard Him say (at Calvary)
At Calvary, I heard Him say
"Case dismissed, case dismissed
Saved by grace"
He dropped the charges Jesus dropped the charges
Although I was wrong
Yeah, He dropped the charges, Jesus dropped the charges
Showed me right from wrong
Yeah, He dropped the charges, Jesus dropped the charges
And cast them all away
At Calvary
At Calvary, I heard Him say (oh, yeah)
At Calvary, I heard Him say (Calvary)
At Calvary, I heard Him say
"Case dismissed, case dismissed
Saved by grace"
He dropped the charges, Jesus dropped the charges
He dropped the charges (He dropped the charges)
Jesus dropped the charges (when He died on Calvary)
He dropped the charges (dropped the charges)
Jesus dropped the charges (when He died)
He dropped the charges (for you and me)
Jesus dropped the charges (dropped the charges)
He dropped the charges (yes, He did)
Jesus dropped the charges (I heard Him say, "It's finished")
He dropped the charges (it's finished)
Jesus dropped the charges (it's finished)
He dropped the charges (finished)
Jesus dropped the charges (yeah)
He dropped the charges (I saw Him)
Jesus dropped the charges
He dropped the charges (when He hung His head)
Jesus dropped the charges (in the locks of His shoulder)
He dropped the charges (He died)
Jesus dropped the charges ('til the sun stopped shinin')
He dropped the charges (He dropped the charges)
Jesus dropped the charges (when He died for me)
He dropped the charges (He, yeah)
Jesus dropped the charges (when He died for me)
He dropped the charges (He dropped the charges against me)
Jesus dropped the charges (when He died for me)
He dropped the charges (dropped the charges)
Jesus dropped the charges (at Calvary)
At Calvary, I heard Him say (at Calvary)
At Calvary, I heard Him say (at Calvary)
At Calvary, I heard Him say (case dismissed)
"Case dismissed, case dismissed
Saved by grace"
He dropped the charges, Jesus dropped the charges
He dropped the charges, Jesus dropped the charges (dropped the charges)
He dropped the charges (yes, He did)
Jesus dropped the charges (dropped the charges)
He dropped the charges, Jesus dropped the charges
He dropped the charges (yeah), Jesus dropped the charges (yeah)
He dropped the charges (yeah), Jesus dropped the charges (yes, He did)
He dropped the charges (when He died for me)
Jesus dropped the charges (He dropped the charges)
He dropped the charges (when He went to Calvary)
Jesus dropped the charges (yeah, and died)
He dropped the charges (between two thieves)
Jesus dropped the charges
He dropped the charges (dropped the charges)
Jesus dropped the charges (dropped the charges)
He dropped the charges (dropped the charges)
Jesus dropped the charges (dropped the charges)
He dropped the charges (yes, He did)
Jesus dropped the charges (when He died for me)
He dropped the charges (He dropped the charges)
Jesus dropped the charges (I heard Him say)
He dropped the charges
Jesus dropped the charges (on the cross)
He dropped the charges (it's finished)
Jesus dropped the charges (it's finished)
He dropped the charges, Jesus dropped the charges (dropped the, yeah)
He dropped the charges, Jesus dropped the charges (at Calvary)
At Calvary, I heard Him say
At Calvary, I heard Him say
At Calvary, I heard Him say
"Case dismissed, case dismissed
Saved by grace"
Can I hear somebody say yeah?
The song says, "At Calvary, I heard Him say
I heard Him say
You know a lot of folk were standing around Calvary that day
But as He was hanging on the cross, I heard Him, at Calvary
At Calvary, I heard Him say
He was carrying the sins of the world (at Calvary)
"At Calvary, I heard Him say
He said, "Hey! O'Neal, I'm gon' save you"
I heard Him say
"Case dismissed, case dismissed
Case dismissed (case dismissed)
I'm gon' save you
Case dismissed (case dismissed)
You've been guilty
Case dismissed (case dismissed)
Case dismissed (case dismissed)
Saved by grace, saved by grace
Alright, alright
Oh, Lord, alright

Monday, March 10, 2025

Joseph Prince (March-10-2025) Daily Devotional: The Real Fountain of Youth

Now on the first day of the week . . . the disciples came together to break bread. - Acts 20:7

Let me tell you why I believe the holy Communion is more powerful than any medicine, any medical procedure, any antibiotic, and any chemotherapy used to heal our bodies. Let me tell you why I believe the holy Communion is the proverbial “fountain of youth” mankind has been in search of for generations and why I believe every time we partake of it, we are causing our youth to be renewed like the eagle’s (Ps. 103:5).

The earth has been under a divine judgment ever since Adam sinned. Aging, disease, and death are all part of this divine sentence.

The reality is, we live in a fallen world and these effects of the divine sentence are happening to our mortal bodies. But God never intended for His children to suffer any of it.

That is why He sent His Son to bear our sins and sicknesses on the cross. That is why He provided the holy Communion as a way to escape the divine judgment that is on this world, to offset its effects.

The holy Communion is a supernatural channel for His health and wholeness to flow into our bodies. While the world is getting weaker and sicker, I believe we are getting stronger and healthier each time we partake of the Communion by faith!

The early church clearly understood how powerful the Communion is. That’s why the Bible tells us they broke bread “from house to house” (Acts 2:46).

When they met on Sunday, the main reason wasn’t to hear preaching and teaching—“The disciples came together to break bread” (Acts 20:7). Even though the apostle Paul was the guest speaker that weekend, the main reason they gathered was to break bread.

If people today knew the magnitude of the power contained within the Lord’s Supper, they would be like the early church, partaking of the Lord’s Supper as often as they could and receiving as many of His benefits as they could. We have been robbed, people! It’s time to wake up!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Joseph Prince (March-09-2025) Daily Devotion: The Clause that Makes it All Happen


Hebrews 8:12 - For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”

We are no longer under the old covenant. We are now under the new covenant. And in this new covenant, God says that He will do three things for us:

Lead us—“I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts” (Hebrews 8:10). These are the laws of faith, love and liberty to guide you in everything you do. It is a spontaneous, dynamic, active and intimate way to be led by God.

Work miracles for us—“I will be their God, and they shall be My people” (Hebrews 8:10). The phrase “I will be their God” denotes a miracle-working God. So if you are sick and God says, “I will be your God,” get ready for healing! If you are poor and God says, “I will be your God,” get ready for His supply!

Cause us to know Him effortlessly—“All shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them” (Hebrews 8:11). The Greek word for “know” here is eido. It means to know intuitively without effort. This means that you will know God easily.

Do you want to experience all these blessings in your life today?

“Of course, Pastor Prince, I want to be led by God. I want Him to work miracles in my life. I want to know Him intimately without straining or striving.”

Then, you need to know the clause that makes it all happen: “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” The words “no more” in the Greek carry a strong double-negative sense. So God is saying, “I will never, by no means, remember your sins!”

Beloved, the more you believe this in your heart, the more you will see those blessings fulfilled in your life. When you realize how much God has forgiven you and remembers your sins no more, you will know Him, His ways and His will for you intimately and intuitively without effort.

So believe in your heart today the clause on which all these blessings hinge, and get ready for miracles and hopes fulfilled in the days ahead!

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Joseph Prince (March-08-2025) Daily Devotion: Come As You Are and Receive

Matthew 15:27 - And she said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.”

Come as you are to the Lord with your need, and lean on His unfailing and unconditional love for you. You don’t have to pretend to be more than what you are to receive the blessing you need from God. You don’t have to pretend to be someone else to appear more deserving to receive from God.

A Canaanite woman desperately seeking healing for her demon-possessed daughter came to Jesus (see Matthew 15:22–28). Knowing that He healed and did miracles among the Jews, she pretended to be a Jew, calling out, “O Lord, Son of David!” (Only the Jews addressed Jesus as the “Son of David.”) Jesus did not answer her. His silence made her drop her pretense and cry out, “Lord, help me!”

Only when her pretenses had melted away did she see the grace of God extended to her. Jesus made a way for her to receive her miracle even though it was not yet time for the Gentiles to receive His blessings. He told her, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.”

Many people might be offended at being called a “dog.” Actually, the Greek word used here by Jesus means “puppy,” and is thus an affectionate rather than offensive term. So this woman was not offended. In fact, she knew then that she could receive healing for her daughter because even puppies get to eat what falls from their masters’ table.

She saw that the crumbs under the Master’s table were enough for a Gentile, a “little dog,” like herself. You must understand that the Jews then considered Gentiles dogs. But what Jesus was trying to say was that He was called to the Jews first, not the Gentiles. Yet, He loved this Gentile woman and her daughter enough to provide a “loophole” for them to receive their miracle.

So when the Canaanite woman took her place by dropping the title “Son of David” and just leaned on Jesus’ compassion for her, her daughter was healed from that very hour.

If God was willing to extend His grace to a Gentile, how much more you, His beloved child! You do not need to depend on pretensions to receive a miracle from Him. Come as you are and lean on His grace. If He has delivered Jesus up for us, “how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32).

Friday, March 7, 2025

Joseph Prince (March-07-2025) Daily Devotion: Live the "Much More" Life

Romans 5:17 - For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ…

When God created man, He did not intend for man to grow old, become weak and powerless, suffer diseases and die—first the physical death, then the second or eternal death.

God never meant for man to go through all these and for death to reign. But because of one man’s offense—that man being Adam—death reigns.

The ultimate death is the second or eternal death in the lake of fire. Before this death is physical death. Before physical death, you have diseases and illnesses. Not all diseases and illnesses lead to death, but they are manifestations of death. One step before diseases and illnesses is tiredness, weakness and powerlessness, which are signs and symptoms of death. Now, all these are forms of death. As you can see, death reigns!

Are you resigned to the fact that death can strike whoever, whenever and wherever it wishes? Are you allowing death to reign in your life and in the lives of your loved ones? Or are you allowing God’s Word to tell you the truth about death?

“For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more…” Thank God for the “much more”! What Jesus, the last Adam, did is much more and far greater than what the first Adam did. We are those who have received the “abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness.” Therefore, our “much more” is that we will reign in life through Jesus Christ!

God considers death an enemy. He came to destroy death and give us eternal life. And the more we walk in the grace of God and His righteousness, the more we will reign in life. The more we believe in His grace or undeserved favor, and the more we know that we have been made righteous by His blood and not our good behavior, the more we will reign over all forms of death!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Joseph Prince (March-06-2025) Daily Devotional: How to Increase in God’s Unmerited Favor

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. - Romans 5:1–2

God’s word tells us that “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52).

This is a good verse to pray and speak over your children—that they first increase in favor with God and then in favor with man. Your “vertical relationship” with God should always be given priority over your “horizontal relationship” with the people around you.

Like Jesus, you can increase in wisdom and in God’s unmerited favor. How?

You have probably noticed that some believers seem to experience a lot more unmerited favor than others. I believe that this is because these believers understand the key to accessing God’s favor.

Romans 5:2 clearly spells out that “we have access by faith into this grace [unmerited favor] in which we stand.”

To gain access to your computer or your bank account, you need a password. To gain access to and increase in God’s unmerited favor, the “password” or key that we need to have is faith, faith to believe that YOU, _______________ (insert your name), are highly favored!

One of the things that I have taught my church members to do is to declare over themselves that they are greatly blessed, highly favored, and deeply loved.

“How do we know that we are greatly blessed, Pastor Prince?”

Read Hebrews 6:13–14 for yourself. God wanted us to be so anchored in the sure and steadfast knowledge that He will bless us, the seed of Abraham, that He swore by Himself, saying, “Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.”

“How can we say that we are highly favored?”

Ephesians 1:6 tells us that by God's grace (unmerited favor), God “made us accepted in the Beloved.” In the original Greek text, the word “accepted” is the word charitoo, which means “highly favored.”

“And are we really deeply loved by God?”

God didn't just love us. John 3:16 says that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” He demonstrated how He SO loved us when He sent Jesus to die on the cross for us.

I pray that the verses I have shown you here will help you believe that through Jesus, you are indeed greatly blessed, highly favored, and deeply loved. If these truths are still not established in your heart, start speaking them.

Look at yourself in the mirror every morning and declare boldly, “Because of Jesus’ perfect work on the cross, I am righteous by His blood, and I am greatly blessed, highly favored, and deeply loved! I expect good things to come my way. I expect good success and I have a confident expectation of good!”

Once you receive Christ, you are standing on favor ground. You are no longer on condemnation ground. God looks on you as His favorite child!

“But Pastor Prince, how can God have so many favorites?”

Hey, He is God. Don't try to limit an infinite God with your finite mind.

The Bible tells us that God counts the very hairs on each of our heads (Matt. 10:30). I love my daughter very much, but I have never counted the number of strands of hair on her head.

His love for each of us is intimate and deeply personal. In His eyes, we are all His favorites!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Joseph Prince (March-05-2025) Daily Devotional: Only Good Gifts

“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” - Matthew 7:11

As a father, it always pains me to see my children unwell. My firstborn daughter, Jessica, is all grown up now, but I remember how it broke my heart to see her bawling when she was suffering from viral fever as a baby.

I remember cradling her in my arms and praying over her as I paced around her room the whole night. I sponged her feverish body over and over again. As long as she was sick, I could not rest.

I hated the fever that was causing my baby to convulse in pain. I would have done anything to alleviate her discomfort. If I could have taken her fever in my own body so she would not have to go through the pain, I would have gladly done so.

What I feel when my children are unwell is only a microcosmic reflection of what our heavenly Father feels for us when we are unwell. He wants us brimming with health and life. He hates sicknesses and diseases because of what they do to us.

But the difference is this: He was able to take our sicknesses, and He put them on Jesus’ own body as He hung on the cross, so that we would not have to suffer them. The Bible tells us: “He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses” (Matt. 8:17).

Why did our Lord Jesus do that? Because He loves us so much. He could not rest until He had secured our salvation, our health, and our wholeness. Finally, when He had borne every sin, every disease, and every infirmity upon His own body, He cried, “It is finished!” (John 19:30) and rested.

The Bible shows us this clearly: God is a good God. He is our loving heavenly Father. That is why I cannot understand why there are those who teach that God sometimes uses sickness to teach us a lesson or that we need to “pray hard” for His healing.

Can you imagine any earthly father inflicting suffering on his own child? Must you be persuaded to alleviate your child’s pain?

There are even some people who claim that it is sometimes God’s will for us to be sick. But when their own children fall sick, they do everything within their power to ensure their children recover. If it were really God’s will for us to be sick, seeking recovery would be deliberately trying to get out of God’s will!

My friend, reject anything that even remotely suggests that God uses sickness and suffering to teach us something. Our Father is full of grace and mercy and wants us to be healthy, provided for, and protected from every evil occurrence, sickness, and disease!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Joseph Prince (March-04-2025) Daily Devotional: Faith Is Not a Struggle

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. - Romans 10:17 NASB

Have you ever felt like you needed more faith? Have you ever looked at yourself and told yourself that if you just had more faith, you would see your financial breakthrough or healing?

My friend, I have good news for you today: faith is not a struggle. The Scriptures show us that the hearing of faith and the works of the law are total opposites (Gal. 3:2, 5). And since the works of the law are about our self-efforts, there is no self-effort in faith.

For years, my own ministry was a ministry that disqualified people. I would tell my congregation, “There’s nothing wrong with God, nothing wrong with His Word, so there must be something wrong with you!”

But one day, I heard the Lord speaking to me on the inside. He said, “Stop disqualifying My people! My blood has already qualified them. Stop disqualifying them!”

Now, I know that faith is the opposite of the law, and that the more people become self-conscious and the more they look at their self-efforts to receive from the Lord, the more faith is depleted from them.

So when the Lord opened my eyes to grace, I changed what I was preaching entirely and began to declare, “There’s nothing wrong with God, nothing wrong with His Word, and guess what? Through the blood of Jesus, there’s nothing wrong with you! Receive your miracle!”

Hallelujah! Once I stopped pointing the people to what was wrong with them and pointed instead to what was right with them because of Jesus, faith was imparted, and we began to experience an explosion of healing miracles like never before. Cancers were healed, tumors were supernaturally removed, and lives were transformed.

That is what happens when believers know that they have been made righteous by the blood of Jesus. They begin to understand that they have the blood-bought right to be healed, to experience financial breakthroughs, and to enjoy restoration in their marriages!

When people begin to see more of Jesus, when they begin to become more and more conscious of Jesus having been crucified on their behalf, faith no longer is a barrier to receiving God’s promises.

Why? Because the more they see what Jesus has done for them, the more they see what Jesus has qualified them for, the more faith springs up within them and miracles break forth. Hallelujah!

Beloved, you don’t have to wish that you had more faith for whatever miracle you are asking God for right now. You don’t have to try to conjure up more faith.

Simply see Jesus on the cross for you and the faith you need to face any situation or challenge will come into your life. Just look to Jesus and His grace toward you! He is the author and finisher of faith (Heb. 12:2).

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ. The more of Jesus and His love you hear, the more faith rises in your heart.

Get hold of teachings that preach all about Jesus and His finished work. Make it your priority to listen to the good news preached.

There is power in the gospel of Jesus Christ! Reach out and receive your miracle from your loving Savior today!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Joseph Prince (March-03-2025) Daily Devotion: What is On Your Heart?

Hebrews 8:10 - “…I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts…”

Many of us have been taught that we cannot trust our hearts. We quote verses like “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9), not knowing that Jeremiah was referring to the man who had not received Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

I have had people come to me and say, “Pastor Prince, I don’t know what I should do with my life.”

“What is on your heart?” I asked one of them.

“I would love to work among children.”

“Then work among children!”

“But I am waiting on the Lord to tell me to do that.”

“Well, He has given you the desire, so go and work among children!”

“But the desire comes from my heart. How do I know if it is of God?”

My friend, once you are saved, you have a brand new heart (see Ezekiel 36:26), and you can trust the promptings of your heart because God dwells in you and He leads you from within. And don’t worry because His promptings will never contradict His Word. It will lead you to good success.

Often, you find that when you follow your inner promptings, it is actually God who has put those desires in your mind and written them on your heart. I remember years ago when I approached one of our church leaders and told him, “I really think that you are called to be a full-time pastor.” It turned out to be a confirmation of what he already knew on the inside. You see, God was already leading him from within. Today, he is one of our full-time pastors.

If you enjoy something and desire to do it, then go for it! Go with the flow. God Himself says that He will guide us from within. Let’s not doubt Him. And don’t worry about the outcome. Your part is just to follow the flow. God’s part is to work in you both the willingness and the performance of it (see Philippians 2:13)!

Beloved, because God has given you a new heart, He will write His desires on it. And as you fulfill these desires, you will bring forth fruit, and not wither and die. Whatever you do will prosper!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Joseph Prince (March-02-2025) Daily Devotion: Covered, Protected, Delivered


Exodus 13:21 - And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so as to go by day and night.

When the children of Israel were wandering in the desert, God led them by going before them in a pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night.

By day, God spread the pillar of cloud as a covering over His people in the desert to prevent the scorching sun from striking them down. The people were shaded and kept cool. Today, you are also under His covering. He will not allow you to be struck down (see Psalm 121:3–8), nor be oppressed by the “heat” of the day (see Isaiah 54:14).

At night, when the desert became dark and cold, God gave His people the pillar of fire to light the way for them, as well as to keep them warm and safe. Today, as you walk with God, you will not be overwhelmed by the cold, dark places in life because God’s Word says, “You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness” (1 Thessalonians 5:5). You will not fear the terror by night or the pestilence that walks in darkness because God will deliver you from them (see Psalm 91:5–6).

Like the children of Israel, who only needed to look up, and keep their eyes on the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire, all you need to do today is to look up and keep your eyes on Jesus. When you need His direction for a situation, look to Jesus who has the words of eternal life (see John 6:68). When you see symptoms of sickness in your body, look to Jesus who has borne away every disease and physical affliction (see Matthew 8:17).

When the children of Israel were bitten by serpents in the desert, God told Moses to make a bronze serpent and put it on a pole—a picture of Christ being judged on the cross (see John 3:14). Those who looked at the bronze serpent instead of their wounds were healed (see Numbers 21:9). He who looks to Jesus lives!

Beloved, look to Jesus. He is your covering, protection and deliverance!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Joseph Prince (March-01-2025) Daily Devotional: Seated with Christ

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  -  Psalm 91:1

There is a lot of fearmongering everywhere you turn today—on the news, in the papers, via social media, and unfortunately, on Christian media as well. However, it is vital that we do not let fear take over our hearts.

As believers, we have no business feeding on fear. If your mind is entangled with knots of anxiety, perhaps it’s time for you to examine your mental diet.

What have you, consciously or unconsciously, been meditating on? Are you ingesting and believing everything you see in the news reports, or are you living by what the Lord Jesus has purchased for you at Calvary?

To help you understand God’s heart for you regarding fear and your walking in His protection, I want to share with you a powerful key from today’s verse, the very first verse of Psalm 91, the prayer of protection. The Hebrew word for “dwell” is yashab, which means “to sit down, to remain, or to settle.”

Notice that the very first thing that God wants you to do to enjoy His protection is to rest. His protection, peace, love, and other blessings flow in your life when you are in a place of rest.

Let’s camp on the word dwell just a little more. Let’s meditate on what it means to rest or “sit down.” The Bible says that we are seated with Christ at God’s right hand (Eph. 2:6, Heb. 1:3). The word “seated” is beautiful—it means that you are no longer standing and working.

Under the old covenant, the priest had to offer the morning sacrifice at 9 a.m., and then remain standing for six hours until after the evening sacrifice at 3 p.m. Our Lord Jesus was crucified at 9 a.m. and He hung on the cross for six hours until He died at 3 p.m., thus fulfilling the type of both the morning and evening sacrifices (Heb. 10:11–12).

Because Jesus became the final sacrifice, the work of the priest is done and he no longer has to stand. Because our Lord cried, “It is finished!” at Calvary (John 19:30), we are today seated in Christ. We can dwell in the secret place of the Most High—a place of peace, safety, and security—and we can live fear-free because the blood of our Lord Jesus has paid for every blessing of protection in Psalm 91!

Today, whether you are dealing with a difficult financial situation, a sleep disorder, or plagued by depressive or even suicidal thoughts, my desire is for you to discover a God who loves you, and whose strong hands of protection are over your entire life and over every area that concerns you.