Saturday, February 3, 2018

Notes on Pastor Prince Sermon: January 29, 2018

We must do what pleases God and not men. Acts 5:29, they took great joy in being persecuted for the name of Jesus.

The gospel is for the believer! The gospel is our wealth!

The gospel is the power of Salvation, and salvation covers more than being saved from Death To Life. It saves us from self.

Jordan Peterson talks about fixing ourselves. I can't fix myself. Mike Pence's tweet was a beautiful tweet. Shame on the naysayers.

Conscious makes us aware of God. Conscience makes us aware of Self in our sin. No more conscience. Adam and Eve had no conscience. They had innocence. Daniel 6 verses 21 through 23, it speaks of Daniel's innocency.

The tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil brought an evil conscience into Adam and Eve. God wants us to be fully depending on him.

God wanted Their Eyes Open by the tree of life.

Our conscience telling us right and wrong is not good. The Muslims have a conscience that tells them to kill people and call it a day good service. We have a perverted conscience.

Deuteronomy 23 last verse.

We want to have a conscience free of Burden.
Before Adam and Eve walked with God, now they ran away.

Live life being led by the spirit. Be governed by his Spirit, stronger than 10 cities.

Faith makes us conscious of God's love.

People argue that we are under law as a rule for living. And that is wrong. Because the law brings forth death. Christ makes us holy, not the law.

The moral law cannot make us moral. Not because the law is bad, but because our flesh is Fallen. It's about faith.
We must get rid of this idea that there is a fearful looking after a judgement.

The wrath of God comes upon the children of disobedience.

Satan impersonates God ready to Roar it us every time we fail.

Grace is not original with us, or with Martin Luther, but it was original with possible Paul who received from.

Our job is to uncover the wells. That's our ministry. Isaac did that in Genesis 26.

Here are scriptures which demonstrate that we do not use the law as a rule of life.
Romans 7 verse 1. The law has dominion over a man as long as he lives.

Jesus provided us the death as well as the life.

Jesus died for many reasons, many things were accomplished through his death. Romans 6:14
When you are under grace sin Shall Have No Dominion over you.

For us to live under law is adultery. God made a covenant at Mount Sinai, and the covering clouds became the Hoopa, the marriage tent.

Moses had dark clouds, with Jesus they were bright clouds!

Some Jews believe that to become a Christian means rejecting your Jewish Family and Jewish heritage. Paul shows the legality of what Jesus accomplished for us.

If you are under the law, you are under the curse.

Just like the law of the Medes and the Persians, the law of God cannot be changed. But we are no longer under it.

Galatians 3 verse 10.

The law demands Perfection. There's no such thing as the relaxed law. No one can keep the law period under the curse means empowered to fail.

Grace preachers have the highest regard for God's law, because they recognize its perfection.

We need to own how following our state is. We need to recognize the the sinful state.

Romans 5:20, the law came in by the side, it came in by stealth, it was not the main agenda.

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